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HomeWeb HostingASP.NET Core: Using Razor Pages

ASP.NET Core: Using Razor Pages

ASP.NET Core is ⁤a robust framework for building web applications, and among its myriad of features, Razor ‌Pages stands‍ out ​as a streamlined approach for ​creating ​server-side code and HTML markup.⁤ Designed for developers who desire a cohesive and productive coding experience, ⁣Razor Pages simplifies the orchestration of server-side logic with intuitive design patterns.

Understanding⁤ Razor Pages

Razor Pages⁤ is a page-based‌ programming model that makes it ‍easier​ to build robust web applications. Unlike the traditional MVC⁤ pattern where logic is scattered​ across controllers, views, and models, Razor Pages ‌centralize page-specific logic in one⁢ place, ‍making it more straightforward for developers to manage page ‍behaviors.

Why Choose Razor Pages?

Simplicity and productivity ‍are at the heart ⁣of Razor Pages. By consolidating ⁢the coding model:

  • Streamlined Development: Each Razor Page has‍ a uniquely paired code-behind file that contains page-specific logic. This⁢ setup curtails the need to scatter ‍functions across⁢ multiple files.
  • Efficient Routing: Razor‍ Pages utilizes a folder-based routing mechanism that auto-generates URLs⁢ based on‌ the file ⁣path, ⁤simplifying⁣ navigation structure.
  • Enhanced ​Security: With built-in anti-forgery token generation, Razor Pages automatically ‌safeguard⁤ against cross-site request⁤ forgery (CSRF) attacks.

Getting​ Started⁣ with Razor Pages

To embark on ‌your journey with Razor Pages, the starting point is⁢ the ASP.NET Core⁤ framework. Begin by setting up a new⁤ project‍ in your favorite Integrated⁣ Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio. Choose the “Web Application” template that supports Razor Pages, ​and you’re ready to‌ dip your toes​ into this exciting‌ model.

Building a Razor ⁤Page Application

Each Razor Page in your application typically includes two files⁢ – the .cshtml (HTML markup with Razor syntax) and⁢ .cshtml.cs (code-behind file). Here’s a simple overview to help you get started:

  1. Create a new Razor Page: Add a new Razor Page⁢ in the⁢ Pages‍ directory.
  2. Define the User ⁤Interface (UI): Use the .cshtml ⁢file to design the UI with HTML and embed Razor syntax⁤ as needed.
  3. Add Logic: In the .cshtml.cs file, include the server-side code to handle user interactions.

Here is a basic example of a Razor Page to display and add ‍items to a list:



@model IndexModel

    @foreach (var item in Model.Items)


  • @item

  • }


public class IndexModel : PageModel


public List Items { get; set; } = new List();


public string NewItem { get; set; }

public void OnGet() { }

public void OnPost()


if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewItem))






Why You Need‍ High-Quality Hosting for ASP.NET‍ Core Applications

Hosting plays an indispensable role in the performance and reliability of your​ ASP.NET Core ⁢applications. Choosing ⁣the right ‌web hosting ‍service‍ ensures ‌that your applications run smoothly, securely, and​ with ⁣minimal ⁤downtime.

InterServer: Your Go-To Solution for Hosting ⁢Needs

When ​it comes to ​reliable‌ and‍ performance-driven hosting for your ASP.NET Core applications, InterServer stands out. Here’s why⁣ you should consider InterServer:

  • Reliability: Enjoy 99.9% uptime,⁤ ensuring that your applications are ​always accessible⁤ to users.
  • Scalability: Whether ⁣you need shared, VPS, dedicated, reseller, or cloud hosting, InterServer can scale according to your needs.
  • Support:​ Benefit from robust customer support that’s ‍ready to assist you⁣ round the clock.

Where to Buy?

For developers ‍ready⁤ to harness the power of Razor⁤ Pages with a dependable hosting solution,⁣ visit InterServer today! Enhance‌ your web development experience with outstanding hosting‍ services tailored to‌ meet and exceed your expectations.



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